Monday, March 25, 2013

Am I making the most out of my time?

I thought today I would just write about my day.
Oh, it was the first day back from Spring Break. It was rough getting up...Ugh!! I'm a sleepy head, and boy., do me and my bed have a special relationship or what! And, yes, I mean that. Well, we got really acquainted this past week, and I had to break up with it this morning. Truth be told, it hurt me more than it hurt mi cama ( my bed).
Well, today I went to class; my wonderful ecology class. This is the class that solidified for me that I am NOT a biology major, and I am meant to study Chemistry. So, I changed my major. Yay, me! Well this pushes back my graduation date to December 2014, but you know... the time will pass anyway.
This will free up my summer for funtime and relaxation. Now that I'm not in a hurry, I can take a break, and chill this summer. Yes!
I talked to a friend today, and had to tell her something deeply personal that I felt very conflicted about ( and no, I'm not sharing...Maybe in the future, or maybe not to respect everyone's privacy). And it made me think about the relationships people make a long the way in this journey called life. I know at this point in my life how to cut my losses and move on from broken relationships and friendships that weren't meant to be, but I have this thing that always pulls me in different directions; my heart. My big heart that cares about everyone, and just wants everyone to be happy. I know I can't please everyone. Truth be told, lately I've been working on pleasing myself, and letting the chips fall where they may. The last few months have been challenging, but my relationship with myself and my son has gotten a lot better. Sometimes, in bad times, you find ways to cope, and all of sudden you're on a journey of self-discovery. I'm happy. It's not perfect, but its mine, you know, my life, and I am the fortress. Ha! No more apologies for doing whats best for me.
Anyways, this wasn't a crumbling friendship. In fact one would say, it was blossoming. I believe in honesty though. I am too honest for my own good, and I never want to leave things in the air, and unsaid. Honesty and trust make a good relationship.  I'm not perfect, but I'd like to think that I'm genuine. For my conscious, you know. I just want to have peace in my life.
As I navigate through complex life altering situations this year, I'll probably be writing about it. I think of myself as a seamstress. Yeah, I know...I don't make clothes. lol... As I weave the words together bringing you this narrative , I hope not only that you enjoy reading it, but that I am able to convey a message to you. Life is beautiful. It's so cliche to say, but really it is. Enjoy everyday. I'm learning to live day by day and enjoying it. I've been on autopilot for so long that I forgot to take the day in. To stop for a moment, and enjoy the beauty around me. Today, I took pictures of the snow. This week, I plan on painting, and finishing up a short story I started last week. That, I will share :)  Something's happened to me that finally woke me up from wallowing in my own self-pity. I'm thankful for that. I needed that. I have a bucket list too. lol. Yes, I am still going to take each day at a time, but I have things that I want to do; travel, skydiving, skiing, learning a new language, painting, getting a short story published, maybe a commercial, hell, if someone's doing a movie ( a good one, please), shoot me a line. I'm ready to experience this thing called life. I've been a guest in my own body for so long. It's time that I own this moment.


  1. Yes, we've been guests in our bodies for too long, beautifully said sis! I'm not sure whether it's the little bit of sunshine that's smiling on London today, but this post has really uplifted me. I want to take life by the horns now lol, hell it's too short to not live for everyday and love every moment. So with that said, I will get back to work and enjoy the simple things a bit more.

  2. Hey, darling! I'm so glad that you enjoyed this piece and that it uplifted you! Be amazing as you are :)
