Thursday, March 28, 2013
Yoga is Good for the Soul, and Body!
I went to get a massage today because I've been having a lot of back and neck pain. I thought it may help, and it did, but I wanted more.
I went to hot yoga later.The room was insanely hot, and the movements very challenging, but oh so good! I then went home, and took a shower to rinse off the sweat ( and boy did I sweat?!).
I felt so strong and powerful. It made me think about all the other challenges in my life, and I realized at that moment how strong I really am, mentally, and physically.
The kinks are almost out of my back and neck, and I've decided I should do hot yoga at least once a week. That would help my aches, and stress immensely.
Home is Where the Heart is
I’m lost without him
When he’s away,
I can’t breath
Its so cliché
, but he’s the air that I breath
When I’m with him,
I feel alive
I feel whole, and complete.
I feel peace.
I can’t sleep in my own bed
Without him.
I sleep on the couch when
he’s away…
Night after night
Till he’s next to me again.
How is it possible to
Love another human like that?
When I see him,
I can’t keep my feet on the ground
I feel like a kid again,
Giddy, and excited!
The butterflies in my belly,
The cheesiest smile,
The constant hugs and kisses.
2 years later, and I'm still crazy about him
He's my best friend, and lover
He's always there
when I need him
And that...that's priceless, you know.
The love we share is like no other.
I believe in magic again.
It’s hard to give in to love
sometimes when you’ve been
Hurt time and again.
But when you give in…
Wow…its like a weight off
your back.
It's like coming back home
After a long, long tiresome journey
This love is my home
And I finally accept
that I just wanna be home
I wanna be home with him,
my rock.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Hold on, please
An empty promise
I’ll take care of you.
Carelessly said words
I love you.
Unspoken fears
I’m scared sometimes.
Please say it.
I don’t know how to
love you
Help me.
How I feel some days
Lost. Alone.
Something I can hold onto
Am I making the most out of my time?
I thought today I would just write about my day.
Oh, it was the first day back from Spring Break. It was rough getting up...Ugh!! I'm a sleepy head, and boy., do me and my bed have a special relationship or what! And, yes, I mean that. Well, we got really acquainted this past week, and I had to break up with it this morning. Truth be told, it hurt me more than it hurt mi cama ( my bed).
Well, today I went to class; my wonderful ecology class. This is the class that solidified for me that I am NOT a biology major, and I am meant to study Chemistry. So, I changed my major. Yay, me! Well this pushes back my graduation date to December 2014, but you know... the time will pass anyway.
This will free up my summer for funtime and relaxation. Now that I'm not in a hurry, I can take a break, and chill this summer. Yes!
I talked to a friend today, and had to tell her something deeply personal that I felt very conflicted about ( and no, I'm not sharing...Maybe in the future, or maybe not to respect everyone's privacy). And it made me think about the relationships people make a long the way in this journey called life. I know at this point in my life how to cut my losses and move on from broken relationships and friendships that weren't meant to be, but I have this thing that always pulls me in different directions; my heart. My big heart that cares about everyone, and just wants everyone to be happy. I know I can't please everyone. Truth be told, lately I've been working on pleasing myself, and letting the chips fall where they may. The last few months have been challenging, but my relationship with myself and my son has gotten a lot better. Sometimes, in bad times, you find ways to cope, and all of sudden you're on a journey of self-discovery. I'm happy. It's not perfect, but its mine, you know, my life, and I am the fortress. Ha! No more apologies for doing whats best for me.
Anyways, this wasn't a crumbling friendship. In fact one would say, it was blossoming. I believe in honesty though. I am too honest for my own good, and I never want to leave things in the air, and unsaid. Honesty and trust make a good relationship. I'm not perfect, but I'd like to think that I'm genuine. For my conscious, you know. I just want to have peace in my life.
As I navigate through complex life altering situations this year, I'll probably be writing about it. I think of myself as a seamstress. Yeah, I know...I don't make clothes. lol... As I weave the words together bringing you this narrative , I hope not only that you enjoy reading it, but that I am able to convey a message to you. Life is beautiful. It's so cliche to say, but really it is. Enjoy everyday. I'm learning to live day by day and enjoying it. I've been on autopilot for so long that I forgot to take the day in. To stop for a moment, and enjoy the beauty around me. Today, I took pictures of the snow. This week, I plan on painting, and finishing up a short story I started last week. That, I will share :) Something's happened to me that finally woke me up from wallowing in my own self-pity. I'm thankful for that. I needed that. I have a bucket list too. lol. Yes, I am still going to take each day at a time, but I have things that I want to do; travel, skydiving, skiing, learning a new language, painting, getting a short story published, maybe a commercial, hell, if someone's doing a movie ( a good one, please), shoot me a line. I'm ready to experience this thing called life. I've been a guest in my own body for so long. It's time that I own this moment.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Why we do it
Let’s not do it for riches
Let’s not do it for gold
Let’s do it for our hearts
Let’s do this till we grow old
Let us share our pains and gains
In this deep mysterious journey of ours
Let’s inspire, and invigorate others
Let us evoke passionate debates
Let us be the change that we are seeking
In this world
Let’s do this till we grow old
Let’s bare our souls
Let’s mourn the death of our ideals
Let’s be realistic
But still dreamers
Let us not do this for riches nor for gold
Let’s do this so that in our old
Age, we can be proud of who we are,
And who we’ve become
And mourn who we’ve lost along
The way
Either way, let’s celebrate today
To me and you
Let us forever be true
And the most authentic versions we can be
Let’s just be you and me
Let’s dream a dream today
As we close our eyes, drifting away
Let’s be calm, and allow ourselves to be carried
Let’s be happy till the day we’re buried
Maybe then, we can sleep
Maybe then we can keep
Our feet on the ground, and sweep
These sorrows away
On this sunny day
Warm as the middle of May
Thursday, March 21, 2013
The Truth Is...
I wanted to write
I wanted my words to have meaning
To have depth and soul
To have strength,
To help someone overcome
Tragedy, pain, anguish
Like I overcame so many things
In my life
I wanted my words to have power
The power to touch
A heart
A soul
To heal
I wanted my words to change the world
I wanted them to bring forth change
I wanted my words to help someone
I wanted them to help me..
Go on
Like this life was worth something
I just wanted to write
Every since I was 7
years old,
I took a hold of that pencil
And I just wanted to write
Writing was existing
Writing was living
Writing was being immortal
And I wanted to leave my mark
On this planet
I wanted to be remembered
That’s all
I wanted to have meaning
That’s all
I just wanted to be someone
I promise that’s all
You see, I just wanted to be seen
To be loved….
Yes, to be loved.
That’s all. I promise.
Genesis IV
This is where it all started
19 years ago
a 7 year old girl
Alone in an airplane,
Was greeted by her father
At the airport
She looked at him perplexed.
Who is this man?
And ran away from him…
I’m your father, he says…
And she looks in his eyes,
And …recognition
She throws herself in his arms,
And is carried home
This is where it started,
But that’s a lie
It started way before that,
In 1986 In Mogadishu, Somalia
A daughter was born,
And unlike most Somali men, he was excited,
He was happy…He held her, and rocked her,
And looked at her with amazement.
A daughter was born, and he was in love
Really in love.
He held her tightly to his chest,
And leaned back, and rocked her to sleep…
A daughter, he thought, my daughter
What a miracle
He was a young man of only 21
And a father now
Responsibility was like a heavy rock,
That you had to carry forever
And never set down
Because once you had it, it was yours,
Responsibility started today
Responsibility to provide
To care for,
To teach,
But above all, the responsibility to love
It started today, *********, 1986
Hello, Responsibility
Goodbye, Freedom
After the airport, he took her to his home
He told his new wife,
This is my daughter, my life
You will care for her like your own
She didn’t really like the idea, but she loved the man, and
so she obliged
She bathed the filthy little girl, washed her after she
handled her business in the bathroom, she fed her, and clothed her, but she
didn’t hold her like a child should, she didn’t love her like a child should be
loved… She was a burden, a responsibility that she never asked for.
And so it began,
My story. It was rather, sad, actually. I left my
grandmother, the only mother I knew, and was put in a helicopter to Nairobi, Kenya.
My uncle, Hassan, was with me. My dear uncle, may he rest in peace, flew with
me to Nairobi, Kenya. I stayed with a relative there, and my uncle took me to
the airport, and I got on a plane by myself. I was supposed to take a present
for my sister, but I forgot it with my uncle. I remember as I waved goodbye to
him, he was still holding the dress for my sister. I was in an airplane by
myself, a 7-year-old girl, with a stewardess watching over me until we got to
our destination. There my father was waiting with a friend. He ran over to me,
and I ran away, because I didn’t recognize him.
When he told he was my dad, I threw myself at him, and he held me so
tightly. I loved that man.
He took me home to his wife and his new daughter. She was
only a year old, and a month later, another daughter would come. My father just
wanted a happy family. He was just a young guy, not even 30 yet, with 3
children already. He hung out with his friends, sometimes, to escape the
responsibility, but nonetheless he was a good dad; a loving father who doted on
his daughters.
My childhood buddy, a fella that lived near us, took me
under his wing. He went to school with me. He was a kind soul. Children can be
so kind and considerate, more so than adults, at times. He taught me how to
read, write, and even ride a bicycle. He was my best friend. He had long hair,
and I, silly me, thought he was a girl all this time. Well, until my stepmother
caught me kissing him in the living room. To my defense, it wasn’t a romantic
kiss, but a friends kiss. I thought he was a girl, and my best friend. She
told my father, and told me I wasn’t allowed to have him over. That was sad.
His dad talked to my dad, and told him how hurt my buddy was by everything. My dad told him
it was all a misunderstanding.
But you see,that was the beginning...
Stockholm Syndrome
They tell you
Calaacalka iska daa
You're not the only one
I ask, well where are the others?
Why do you seem so proud to been cut like an animal?
Why are you proud of being cloaked and hidden from the world?
Why do you slave in the kitchen, bedroom and are a bonafide baby maker? Is you happy?
The weddings are like slaughter houses
Girls smiling on the outside but were dying inside
So long freedom, so long who you were
And who you wanted to be
And who you wanted to be
Now you're just his little wife
They act like they respect you
That's you've done such a great deed
You know, it's half of your deen, after all
But they're secretly ecstatic that they've got you in chains
Chains formed by deceit and manipulation
The way to control to mankind
Or here womankind, tell them it's their god given duty to suffer
Allah will repay them in the hereafter
Samr, patience, you will be rewarded
So you stay silent, convinced you'll be rewarded ... One day... Some day
But really, maybe never.
They've convinced you that it your duty to suffer in silence
Patriarchy, an intersection of culture and religion, convinces women that they belong to men and cannot survive without them
When it is them that cannot survive without us
Because all men come from a woman and not the other way around.
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