Monday, April 29, 2013


It's hard being a woman of color,
It's even harder being one with an opinion
A mouth piece that challenges every notion
Of supposed inferiority
Oh, no, not me darling
I'm a force to be reckoned with
I speak with dict and I probably
Know your mother tongue even better
Than you
Don't underestimate me
Don't sleep on me
I'm wise, I'm bold,
I can't be contained
I'm a black girl unleashed

Do not compliment me on
my "less than "black nose,
(What does that mean anyways?)
I don't find the back handed compliment
cute or endearing
Don't say, oh, how beautiful your hair is
or god forbid, tell me I have good hair
It leads me to think, then what the heck is
bad hair? Oh, coarse black hair? Gotcha
I am not my hair, you see
I am the person within
I am the one speaking this word
You see, I am a girl that
wants to change the world
I am conscious, I am a lover of all people
Gay, Straight, black to white, and all in between
But come at me wrong, and I will let you know,
And you will see a black girl unleashed

I dream of my future daughter,
her brown skin so luscious, and smooth
as velvet
And how I will have to remind her day in
and day out, the beauty she possesses,
because someone out there will remind her daily
how she just doesn't fit the standard of beauty
Not pale skin, or long straight hair,
Now who had a worldwide meeting, and
decided upon that?
I will show her the beautify of her shape,
her hips, and curves,
the narrow of her back, and how she is
the finest creation of all, with those
Coily tight curls on her head,
and let me tell you,
My Princess will not destroy her crown and
glory, to make you more comfortable
Enough of that
It's no longer okay to conform
I'm unleashed, free to challenge the status quo.
Beauty, and a person's worth does not
come only in one shade, or shape

Do not be afraid of me,
I am kind, I am compassionate
I promise.
But I will not tolerate bs
nor will I be blind to the world's
intolerance, and injustice
I will alway challenge the status quo,
I will remain free, unbound, uncompromising
in my beliefs and principles,
I am a black girl unleashed

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